RSUTH commencing Transcranial doppler ultrasound scans for children with Sickle cell disease aged 2 to 16 years tcwanyanwu June 15, 2024 0 Comments Good day every one. We will be commencing Transcranial doppler ultrasound scans for children with Sickle cell disease aged 2 to 16 years at RSUTH. TCDs identify SCD patients with increased risk for stroke early enough for disease modifying therapies to be instituted to prevent overt strokes. To kick start this on the 19th of June, we will be doing it free of charge for the first 30 children with SCD that indicate interest. If you have a friend or relative who can benefit from this please spread the word to them. They should call any of these numbers – Dr Expect +2347039145359 or Dr Oge +2347054650986 and book a slot. Thanks Haemo-oncology unit, Dept of Paediatrics , RSUTH Categorynews, Opening, RSUTH Event, Training & Re-training, World Event TagsRSUTH commencing Transcranial doppler ultrasound scans for children with Sickle cell disease aged 2 to 16 years Like Tweet Write a comment: Cancel replyCommentName * Email * Website Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ